
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Smile moments!

Well, I've been concentrating on my sensory diet stuff a little more over the past few days, and today I realized I have calmly done a few things that normally would flip me out.
  • Eating scrambled eggs -Typically, I cannot stand the texture of scrambled eggs. They are so lumpy, and half the time they are horribly liquidy, too. When I want an egg for breakfast, then, I cook it all in one "sheet" like an omelet, except I don't put anything in it like an omelet. I guess it would be the way you fix an egg for an egg sandwich. The other day, though, I was eating breakfast with my family and my dad had fixed scrambled eggs. I tried a small serving of them, and the texture did not bother me! The food actually tasted good.
  • Dining at a restaurant - I had supper out tonight, which typically is quite an ordeal if I do not have Kleenexes to stick in my ears. Granted, it was only my family and two other parties in the little diner, but there was still music going on in the background. I noticed it, but it was not overwhelming like it usually would have been! I also was not too bothered by the little scrapes and clangs from everyone eating around me. It probably helped that I ordered my seafood with a spicy powder on top -- spicy foods always seem to help regulate my senses somehow.
  • Using bar soap - Okay, so this may seem silly, but we have been out and about this Christmas season and through it all, I am out of my creamy liquid body soap that I always use in the shower. Long hot showers are a big part of my sensory diet, and the soap and my sponge puff add to that. I was worried about using bar soap because of its offensive texture, but I've been okay with it!

I am so thankful for these simple yet smile-worthy milestones! It has been a bit of an adjustment to keep up with bouncing and/or taking a mile-long walk every day, but hopefully I can stick with this routine since I'm seeing results and actually feeling better.

Have you had any "smile moments" lately?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lydia,

    This is Jaimie (JDefyingravity) from the SPD forum. I found your blog through the website and thought I'd leave you a comment!

    I hear you about the eggs. I didn't eat them for probably 19 years because they were so texturally unappealing. One day (kind of like magic) they weren't so bad. Of course, ketchup really helps ;)

    I'm like you with soap, but with lotion. I am very defensive on my hands and the only thing that gets me through is lotion (and not just any lotion). I have latched on to Gold Bond and I carry around the 14 oz. bottle in my purse (it's too thick to pour into something smaller).

    Congratulations on your smile moments!
